A Guide for Proper Condom Use

By condomman69

A Guide for Proper Condom Use

            The decision to use condoms and other contraceptives in every single sexual act is a sign of responsibility as well as maturity in a man. Though some worry about the possibility of reduced sensation when using condoms, the possibility of getting your partner pregnant unexpectedly or contacting sexually transmitted diseases would be enough to overpower any transient objections one may have against contraceptives. Also, after learning how to put on a condom correctly and choosing the correct condom for you, you’ll find that there is no reduced sensation when you approach condom use seriously.

            With numerous brands of contraceptives to choose, the most convenient and cheapest is the condom. Discuss with your partner the choices of contraceptives available to you and have her tell you what she might prefer. While some women may have already taken steps to use contraceptives themselves, though additional protective measures would sure to be appreciated.

            It is important to keep in mind that no condom manufacturer claims absolute efficacy in their products in terms of birth control and eliminating the risk of getting STDs. However, the use of condoms concurrent with other contraceptives used by your partner would significantly reduce the chances for both of you significantly.

            The first tip in the proper use of condoms, as in most contraceptives, is its proper selection. Though you might use your deductive powers in determining just the right condom type for you, practice is still the best method for determination. From the numerous products out there, choose the one that not only fits you snugly but also one that caters to your partner’s specifications, as some may want textured, flavored or non-latex condoms. Do not worry too much about condom size, as most contraceptives are designed to fit almost all men. The best way to figure out the right condom for you is to buy a variety of reliable brands and styles, and find one that works right for you.

            When you buy condoms, determine its expiration date and stay away from expired ones. When the labels does not indicate expiration date, only the time of manufacture, select the ones with the latest date. Most have a shelf life of about five years, though those with spermicide only have two to three years before expiration. Purchase condoms that are displayed away from heat and light, as these can deteriorate the product’s quality. And unless you plan to make a dash to the store every time a sexual opportunity arises, buy condoms in large quantity.

            Store your purchases in a cool, dry place. When the time comes for its use, open the package with care, don’t use scissors or your teeth. If the condom looks faded and feels brittle, discard it immediately. Pinching the tip, slip it on slowly, making sure to leave about half an inch of space at the top. With the rolled part of the condom on the exterior, unfurl the condom all the way down to the base. If, for some reason you have put it on incorrectly, take it off and replace with a fresh one.

            Most condoms are already lubricated. When you feel the need for more lubricant, use water-based ones as oils can weaken latex. Any kind of lubricant can be used in polyurethane condoms, however.

            If your condom does break, replace it immediately. Some causes of condom breakage include the presence of air bubbles and using a too tight condom, so caution is always advisable. When this happens, any man would sure to appreciate and see the wisdom on why women prefer to use their own types of contraceptives.

            After ejaculation, withdraw right away and take off the condom. You can roll it back up and wrap it in a tissue paper before discarding in the garbage bin. Show a little environmental sense and don’t flush it down the toilet.

            And just because you have decided not to engage in genital sex, it does not mean that you have no need of condoms. Slip on a rubber when you ask your girl to give you oral sex. Female condoms are also available to cover the vagina just like male condom does. It’s always smart to just be on the safe side.